Cleanse Blend


Revitalizing Yoni Steam Cleansing Blend

While the uterus naturally cleanses itself, enhancing this process through yoni steaming can significantly aid in the detoxification and renewal of your feminine health. Our bodies undergo a monthly cycle of shedding the uterine lining, preparing for new beginnings. Lady V Steam recommends utilizing our specially crafted blend of herbs after intimate moments, following your menstrual cycle, and during times when you need that extra care. This cleansing mix is particularly beneficial for those dealing with heavy menstrual flows or experiencing PMS symptoms accompanied by blood clots.

Key Ingredients for Enhanced Cleansing: Our blend is carefully formulated with Basil, Rose, Marigold, Mugwort, Lavender, and Himalayan Sea Salt, among other natural ingredients, to support and facilitate your body's own cleansing mechanisms.

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