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Discover Lady V Steam's transformative

V-Steaming sessions. As you relax on our specially designed steam thrones, a warm, herb-infused steam envelops you, soothing and rejuvenating from within. Experience this unique blend of comfort and wellness by watching our session video.

Click here to see how we turn self-care into a luxurious, healing art form.

V-Steam Blends

Hormone Harmony Blend

$85 – 35min

This blend is expertly formulated to harmonize hormonal imbalances, using nature’s finest herbs to restore equilibrium and well-being, perfect for those experiencing hormonal fluctuations.

Cycle Soothe Steam

$85 – 35min

Designed to alleviate menstrual cramps and irregularities, Cycle Soothe Steam brings comfort and regularity to your menstrual cycle, making it a go-to choose for natural period relief.

Gentle Balance Brew

$85 – 45min

Experience total hormonal regulation with Gentle Balance Brew, a meticulously crafted blend that soothes and balances, providing comprehensive hormonal support for women at any stage.

Empower Essence

$85 – 30min

Elevate your mood and energy with Empower Essence, a dynamic blend that addresses hormonal shifts, boosting vitality and uplifting spirits during times of hormonal change. Best for early stages of PMS.

Serene Cycle Steam

$85 – 35min

Offering solace from PMS and menopausal discomfort, Serene Cycle Steam is your ally in achieving a more comfortable and balanced menstrual cycle, making it ideal for those seeking natural menopause support.

Bloom & Balance Blend

$85 – 30min

Focused on reproductive health, Bloom & Balance Blend is a nurturing mix that supports hormonal equilibrium, making it an essential choice for women’s reproductive wellness after conceiving.

Peaceful Moon Mix

$85 – 30min

Combat stress-induced hormonal imbalances with Peaceful Moon Mix, a tranquil blend designed to calm and stabilize, ideal for those facing stress-related hormonal issues.

Vitality Vapors

$85 – 35min

Vitality Vapors is all about enhancing overall well-being and hormonal health, a rejuvenating blend that boosts vitality and balances hormones, perfect for holistic wellness enthusiasts.

Fertility Flourish Steam

$85 – 30min

Tailored for fertility support and hormonal alignment, Fertility Flourish Steam is a carefully composed blend, aiding those on their journey to conception and hormonal harmony.

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